10 things about your Lolita bubble.
1. Waiting-for-package excitement!—I love mail, I always have, so waiting for packages I KNOW are coming is beyond exciting!
2. Lace and meters more lace—vintage, antique, new, all pretty, all mine!
3. Charms and rings—I tend to associate charms, rings and most jewelry with something special, where I got it, who gave it to me, where I wear it.
4. Princess Room ideas—It will actually be the Princess Lab since my little Parfumerie and and makeup trial studio will be there!
5. Fake hair and big hair with TIARAS—It just keeps getting bigger, yes!
6. DOLLS—Mostly my BJD but yes, even frankensteining MH dolls and my pink-haired Blythe in her AP JSK.
7. Deco nails and nail art—more, more decorations, add another rose, yes!
8. Reading gossip (Tumblr, BTB, confessions—bad habit, don’t care.)
9. green tea cuppycake recipes. Matcha Buttercream is sooooo good!
10. My Monthly Tea Society planning, Glitch Tea, A2F Tea always tea, tea, tea!I AM one of those people who grew up with tea and after-dinner coffee and Tea Parties, so I continue!