Lolita Blog Carnival: What Changes Will You Make For Your Wardrobe in the New Year?

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I am not sure why the blog bug always hots me in December but really, I am glad to be back to writing both here and in other places! Welcome back if YOU are the same way or if you are just reading Lolita blogs for the first time.

This week’s Lolita Blog Carnival topic is an interesting one for me because my wardrobe is not very well curated, and has largely been formed by purchases of

  •  things I like and then
  •  things to go with those things!

And shoes! (So many shoes…)

So for 2016 a few actual LOLITA RESOLUTIONS are in order! Many have to do with my actual wardrobe itself but others are very important supporting peripherals that just help me enjoy wearing Lolita fashion more.


Join in again at the LiveJournal EGL Community and posting more…

Join in again at the LiveJournal EGL Community and posting more…

My List

  1.  Organize my closet and make an ongoing project of photographing my pieces as I wear them to post in the Wardrobe Post on the LiveJournal EGL Community ( NEXT year. I am seeing a bit more activity there so I would like to join in in 2016.
  2.  Catalog my shoes in a visible way, buy fewer pairs and just save for a second pair of Vivienne Westwood RHS. #goals
  3.  Keep an outfit diary, nothing fancy, just a list, a photo and impressions of the day or meet I wore something special to.
  4. Maybe would be an easy way to do this.
  5.  Buy more Burando and choose more carefully. I do have lots of Bodyline to wear for everyday or more care-free coordinates. But with their prices rising, I doubt I will buy much more from them unless there is a sale or…well…if there is maybe 1-2 more pairs of shoes!
  6. (Size 9US, cry with me!)
  7.  Counting my pieces so I know how many main pieces, how many blouses, etc.
  8.  Wear my natural hair more. I have a bleached Hime cut with very fine hair so simpler accessories are in order, my hair will not hold heavier ones. I will still wear wigs for heavier crowns and tiaras, and well, a cephalopod sometimes happens in a headdress and they are a bit heavier than the usual things…
  9.  Try a couple of TaoBao shop main pieces. Auralia Lost in Sea Blue from Krad Lanrete was one I waffled over but now regret not buying, the long JSK in Navy!
  10.  Buy 2 more pretty aprons.
  11.  Buy a couple of more pieces with glittery gold on them.
  12.  Buy 1 velvet piece and 1 flocky piece if I can find ones I really like, hopefully in darks or jewel tones.
  13.  Add underskirts. I give up, short is too short for my own tastes sometimes, I will get some.
westwood black rhs

Vivienne Westwood RHS #goals


There are also several things I will not change, which also deserve a mention:

  •  Wearing more old-school style shoes.
  •  Collecting more interesting non-Lolita bags and accessories and mixing them in with coordinates.
  •  Wearing my Lolita pieces with my other fashion pieces (I just don’t tag that sort of thing “Lolita”).
  •  Wearing Lolita coordinates often for everyday and continuing to appreciate my simpler and less expensive pieces.

Do you have some wardrobe changes you’d like to make for 2016? I’d like to hear about them in the comments.


The Lolita Blog Carnival is a group of Lolitas blogging on a weekly topic together so jump on and ride along as we share our opinions and thoughts on all manner of interesting things.

More of his week’s Carnival participants:

Gray Velvet

It’s Witchcraft

Vanilla Bear

Alice in Lolitaland

The Bloody Tea Party

Pastel Jelly Beans

Dollhouse Diaries


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